Spencer Robinson

Spencer has over 20 years of dance and choreography under his belt and loves the upbeat, classic vibe 80’s music brings to aerobics. When not teaching at EVERYBODY, he also choreographs with Nike's Ole Skool Crew and the LA Sparks Crew. 

Spencer is a graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma with a BA in Education and also a FT Activities Director at UCLA. He has choreographed stage plays and received recognition for his work bringing the arts to inner city youth and underserved communities. Most notably, his work with youth has been recognized by Habitat of Humanity during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. 

He loves sharing his gift of dance to add light to the world and uses dance to cultivate mindfulness and as a spiritual practice.

When he is not dancing, he loves traveling and spending quality time with family and friends. 


V. Craig


Alexa McDonough