Benjamin Leventer, DIAM, L.Ac
Classical Chinese Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, Tui Na Massage, Gua Sha, Cupping
Stress Reduction
Chronic and Acute Musculoskeletal Pain
Mental Distress: Depression, Anxiety, PTSD
Gastrointestinal and Digestive Issues
Autoimmune Disease Symptom Prevention and Management
Diet and Lifestyle
In 2015, I (he/him) was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and hypothyroidism (a common pairing). I struggled for years to get back to the vitality I envisioned for myself. Chinese medicine helped me achieve the lifestyle I desire. I love acupuncture and cupping. I even love tasting unpalatable herbs. All of these things have been integral for my path back to wellness and I would love to share them with you.
Most people associate acupuncturists with needles. Acupuncture is only one tool used inChinese medicine. The classical texts, written circa 2600 BC, put forth a conception of human health based on a functional understanding of the body’s energy (qi/chi). Disordering of Qi leads to illness and disease. The tools of Traditional Asian Medicine, such as, acupuncture, herbal medicine, Tui Na massage, cupping, and Gua Sha are used to balance disharmony and help the body run efficiently.